Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ventnor, NJ: The Land of Mini Mansions and No Public Restrooms

    Ventnor is a small beach town south of Atlantic City and on Monday my sister, Lauren, and I, decided to play hookie from work and travel there. Empty streets with an abundance of parking greeted us when we arrived. The beach was small; the distance from the ocean to the boardwalk was only about 150 feet.  There were also no public restrooms which led me to assume that most of the people who vacation in Ventnor rent houses, an assumption furthered by the fact that I didn't see any hotels when we walked around town.
    Since Ventnor lacked public restrooms, my sister and I decided to leave Ventnor and travel to Margate’s beach, which was less than two minutes away by car.
     It was very peaceful on the Margate beach, with most of the sand being unoccupied except for the occasional sun worshipper, older couple, or family with young children. The water was a warm 70 degrees, but it was windy out, which made it was too cold to go swimming, unless you were one of the surfers wearing a wet suit, but we did enjoy walking along the water's edge. 
    We did eventually end up back in Ventnor because my sister wanted to walk on the boardwalk, which is connected to the Atlantic City boardwalk and lined with mini mansions.

      In the end we walked over a mile and a half to get to the casinos. We didn't mean to walk this much, but my sister was convinced the casinos were closer than they really were. However, we put the walk to good use and gawked at the beach front mansions and snapped pictures. 
    All in all, Ventnor is a town full of rental homes with a small beach and a convenient location since Atlantic City is a short walk away and Ocean City is a short drive away, but I wouldn't recommend going to the Ventnor beach for the day because of the lack of public restrooms. 

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