Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lucy the Elephant Struck by Lightning

    Several weeks ago I visited and wrote about Margate's beloved Lucy the Elephant, the National Historic Landmark located on Decatur Avenue and the beach. Lucy, who is going to celebrate her 130th birthday on July 23, was struck by lightning for the second time in two years over the holiday weekend.
     Thankfully Lucy survived with no damage to her outer structure, though the strike did damage her climate control system, computer and office electronics, the alarm system, and the communications system. If you are planning to visit Lucy I recommend bringing cash because credit cards are currently not being accepted due to the damage to the computer system.
    For all those planning on attending Lucy's 130th birthday party on July 23, don't worry because the Friends of Lucy are not letting a lightning strike stop them from throwing her a grand party as is befitting for a lady of her years.

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